The fundamentals of your branding dictate the perception of your brand by your potential customers

Branding is the set of actions implemented to manage the image of a brand and improve its positioning on the market. This marketing strategy is based on elements such as the logo, the slogan, the styles or even the oral communications. All of this dictates how your brand is perceived by potential customers.

What is the purpose of branding?

A business that stands out from the competition attracts more customers. Branding is precisely a way of presenting the brand to the public through elements such as visual identity (logo, color, typography) or even tonality, i.e. the language used to communicate, the editorial style or the vocabularies used. The goal is to make an impression and ensure that customers can easily recognize the company and appreciate it.

How does branding influence the perception of your brand by your potential customers?

The colors, the typography, the images, the vocabularies, the tonality or the methods of communication chosen have meanings.

For example, sober colors and strong styles are more professional. Casual languages, on the other hand, are used to create closeness with the public and are particularly appreciated by young people.

Also, companies that support sustainable development and ecology often use the color green in their logo. This is how the foundations of your branding influence how your potential customers perceive your brand.

How to successfully brand a brand?

Successful branding is about achieving positive feelings in the public in order to encourage potential customers to engage with the brand. To do this, you must:

  1. Define the image you want to send back to the public.
  2. Make the right choice of colors, typography, logo or editorial style, depending on the image you want to reflect and the strategies of your competitors.
  3. Ensure that all content published on communication media (social networks, website, flyers or advertising spots) is consistent. Above all, it is a sign that your brand is serious.
  4. Take into account the opinions of the public and then make the necessary improvements if necessary.

Should you hire a professional to guarantee the success of your branding?

A single bad choice, whether in relation to colors, slogan or vocabularies, risks completely changing the perception of your brand by your potential customers, negative or positive. This is why it is strongly recommended to entrust the management of this strategy to a professional. He knows all the rules to follow and can help you make choices that suit your goals and your target audience.


At Boumgrafik, we offer a quality branding service. To do this, we provide you with qualified and attentive experts who will take care of creating an impactful brand image for your company. We invite you to contact us for additional information on our offers.